Chief Minister, Dr. Pramod Sawant launched ‘Shiksha Sangam’ a skilling, reskilling and upskilling program to the last mile, designed by Directorate of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship in the presence of Industries Minister Shri. Mauvin Godinho, PWD Minister Shri. Nilesh Cabral, Social Welfare Minister Shri. Subhash Phal Dessai and others.

Released the apprenticeship circular focusing on the importance of apprenticeship in the institutions. Witnessed MoU signing with L&T ltd., Daikin, Abhinav Institute and Yashaswi Academy with an aim to help youth to engage as apprentices. Presented the job offer letters from the pharma sector to selected candidates with apprenticeship letters to young candidates.

Skill development is one of the primary focus areas under the Swayampurna Goa 2.0, Govt. of Goa is undertaking various programs for it. The Govt. has undertaken apprenticeship program with the collaboration of Industry and Education institutions.

The Shiksha Sangam program shall enhance the scope of skilling, upskilling and reskilling and shall reach to the last mile. I am sure the youth of Goa shall definitely benefit from the program.

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By Goa9