Chief Minister, Dr. Pramod Sawant chaired Meeting regarding matters pertaining to all Schemes like DDSSY, Griha Adhar, Ladli Lakshmi, Tribal Schemes. Chief Minister instructed Department of women & child Development & Department of Social welfare to transfer the amount to the beneficiaries of Griha Aadhar and Dayanand Social Security Scheme on 10th of every month. Health Minister, Shri. Vishwajit P RANE, Secretary to CM, Shri. Ajit Roy, IAS, Secretary (Tribal Welfare), Shri. Sarpreet Singh Gill, IAS, Secretary (Women & Child), Shri. Arun Kumar Mishra, IAS, Principal Secretary (Fin), Dr. V. Candavelou, IAS, Dean GMC, Dr. Shivanand Bandekar & other officials were also present at Mantralaya, Porvorim.

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By Goa9