By Aires Rodrigues

On this short visit to Bath, a well-being spa city known for and named after its Roman built baths, it was an occasion on 10th September to watch that late night live first debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the White House contenders in the ensuing November Presidential elections in the United States.
It was hilarious to hear Donald Trump make wild, baseless allegations that migrants were eating dogs and cats at Springfield in Ohio which even made the Vice President Kamala Harris to look at him in disbelief before laughing.
Am trying to find a friend down there who could ascertain and confirm whether it’s true or a political lie. So far, the mayor, city officials and the Police Department of Springfield have swiftly rejected the claims made by Trump. It was a relief for millions watching that these baseless allegations were fact checked live by the ABC television channel debate moderators who quickly corrected the record.
Anyway, it would be eventful to see the United States of America have its first Lady President occupying the Oval Office.
It was ironic to watch the future of America unfolding in a 90-minute TV debate in an historic city like Bath that dates to the first century AD.

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