Mapusa MLA Joshua D Souza Attended the commissioning of the 11KV Cuchelim and Acoi Feeders from overhead to Under ground Cabling emanating from 33/11KV Karaswada Sub-Station at the hands of Hon’ble Minister for Power, New & Renewable Energy, and Housing Sudin Dhavalikar.
Also present were; the Hon’ble MLA of Aldona Constituency Adv. Carlos Alvares Ferreira, MMC Chairperson Priya Mishal, Vice Chairperson Viraj Phadke, Ward No. 4 Councillor Sushant Harmalkar, Electricity CE . Stephen Fernandes, Yashaswini B, Electricity AE, JE, Contractor Swastika Infra Private Limited, Line helpers, Electricity staff, IAS, Deputy Collector, SDO II & SDM Mapusa, Gurudas Desai, Dy. Collector, sub-divisional magistrate, sub-divisional officer, and others.